Stage 12: Sale and Disturbance compensation claim


Once the property has sold, there will be an entitlement to Disturbance compensation on an evidenced route. This is for the ability to reclaim costs such as Stamp duty, solicitors and mortgage arrangement fees. See our guide to Disturbance here

Stage 11: Bond scheme rights can be exercised


There will be a period of time within which those homeowners who have taken a bond will have the ability to exercise their rights under it to sell. We are pressing for as much flexibility as possible for homeowners. If the bond is exercised, the indexation of the Market Value will then be calculated. This means that if the Land …

Stage 10: Decision to proceed by Heathrow


Once the Development Consent Order powers are granted which is highly likely, Heathrow will need to decide whether or not to proceed. It is again highly likely that at this point they will do. However, they would of course look to undertake a further budget analysis to ensure that it is worthwhile continuing. We expect that they almost certainly will …

Stage 09: Development Consent Order (DCO)


In approximately mid 2020, Heathrow are likely to make their Development Consent Order. This is their application to Government for Compulsory Purchase powers and also for Planning permission for their proposals. This process is likely to take about 12-18 months.

Stage 08: Enter into a bond


Once the Market Value element of the compensation is set, the homeowner will have the option of entering the bond scheme at that value or choosing not to. If they choose not to, only the statutory package will be available. If the bond is entered into, the homeowner cannot object to losing their property but can if they wish make …

Stage 07: Bond scheme valuations


Two Valuations will be carried out to determine the Market Value as of the date that the interest in the previous stage was officially expressed. Heathrow will choose someone off their panel to provide a valuation. Homeowners can also choose someone that Heathrow has appointed if they wish or they can choose their own Chartered Surveyor to carry out a …

Stage 06: Bond scheme interest


Qualifying homeowners are able to express an interest in the bond scheme. This applies to both those who would receive the enhanced package and the statutory package. Expressing an interest does not commit a homeowner to take the terms of the bond but we expect that the vast majority will do.

Stage 05: Main Consultation exercise


On 18th June 2019, Heathrow launches it’s 12 week Statutory consultation on its’ Masterplan. This includes how it intends to deal with homeowners and as such, we provided our own consultation response on behalf of our homeowner clients.

Stage 04: Judicial Reviews


On 1st May 2019, all five Judicial Reviews aimed at challenging Government support for the third runway were defeated in court. Of the 26 points that were considered, 21 were held to be not arguable and the remaining 5 were held not sufficient to block the plans.

Stage 03: National Policy Statement


Across 2017 and 2018, a National Policy Statement (NPS) submitted by Heathrow was considered by Government. With far more detail then available, Government reiterated its support for the third runway, with a huge majority of 415 in favour of 119 against.

Stage 01: Heathrow proposals shortlisted


On 17th December 2013, the Airports commission shortlisted Heathrow’s proposals for a third runway. This date is relevant as it provides a cut off point after which homeowners buying in the affected area are not entitled to the enhanced package. The exception is if the homeowner bought off someone who was entitled to the enhanced package.