The buyer will normally ask a number of questions. These may relate to the land registry information and in most cases, your solicitors will be able to answer them without your involvement. Some answers may however need to be checked with you.
On some CPO cases, there will also be two specific forms to complete – a Fitting & Contents form asking about what is being left behind (for example, what floor covering) and a Property Information form that asks questions about issues like whether there has been a boundary dispute and whether you have made alterations to the property. Whilst simple questions, these forms are quite long and you’ll be pulling your hair out with boredom filling them in. It’s best to keep a couple of hours back though to do so as they are a major hurdle towards being ready to sell. Sometimes, if solicitors have dealt with a number of sales on a particular scheme, they may send these out at the same time as stage 1 in readiness. It does mean front loading the paperwork for you to fill in but at least you’ll be ready quicker that way.